Ruthin Craft Centre
The Centre for the Applied Arts


Gallery 3


22 July – 24 September 2017

Alison Stockmarr, Angie Lewin, Angus McFadyen, Bob Crooks, Iron Vein – Victoria Govan & Richard Warner, Jan Beaney, Jennifer Hall, Kayo Saito, Laura Baxter, Laura Youngson Coll, Laurance Simon, Lin Sproule, Lisa Ellul, Susie Vickery, Vanessa Hogge, Victoria Walker

Flowers have been an inspiration for artists since time immemorial. The first piece of jewellery was most probably a flower garland and, as the manifestation of plants fecundity, flowers were among the first thing depicted by mankind as pictures of their cultured existence. This group exhibition shows works in many different genres, ceramics to wood engraving, glass to silver and textile and steel; all look at flora as their central theme.

Curated by Gregory Parsons, with Jane Gerrard and Philip Hughes, it was inspired by the work Ruthin Craft Centre has been doing around their pollinator planting schemes over the past two years. As we all become more aware of the importance of insects and pollinators both in our gardens and more widely for crop growing and agriculture, ‘Flora’ celebrates the world of flowers with some amazing pieces of embroidery, slipware and intaglio ceramics, lino print, jewellery, blown glass, metal and mixed media.