About Schools and Colleges
At Ruthin Craft Centre we can offer Schools and Colleges the opportunity for children and young people to engage, explore and discover all aspects of Contemporary Applied Art in order to support and extend their creative Learning.
We have a whole range of learning programmes for all ages and abilities (Key Stages 1 – 5) such as self-guided gallery sessions, talks, tours, artist-led workshops, Master-classes, resources and many more.
We also offer teachers creative tools and support to develop their own learning practices. Offering them the opportunity to work directly with artists/makers and other art educators to look at new ways of engaging with artwork, introduce new creative ideas to extend classroom practice, resources and the opportunity to network and share expertise with other teachers.
We have produced various educational packs inspired by our exhibitions which are also linked to the National Curriculum. For more information or to download a digital resource pack please click here.
For further information or to book a session please contact Maria Hayes Education Officer email: maria.hayes@denbighshireleisure.co.uk Tel: 01824 704774